Third Year Drawing by D. R. Augsburg Third Year Drawing by D. R. Augsburg    

Lesson 1: Triangular Composition (Composition)

Note: It is recommended to keep a plain notebook, sketchpad, or binder to hold the exercise work described in this text.

In this lesson, students study composition, or arranging objects in a pleasing group. One simple, pleasing arrangement is triangular. A simple composition for three objects or three groups of objects is to arrange them as resting on each corner of a triangle.

Children study the images and complete the following drill work:
  1. Locate and use three small balls or toys.
  2. Arrange three balls as suggested by plans A-F.

In the image below there are six drawings illustrating the compositions represented by the balls in the above image. The three trees in A correspond to the three balls in A, Fig. 12, the three birds flying to the three balls in B, the three trees to the C arrangement of balls, the three wigwams to the D arrangement of balls, the three haycocks to the E arrangement of balls, and the boys chasing the pig to the F arrangement.
  1. Draw three running children according to plan A.
  2. Draw three running children according to plan B.
  3. Draw three tree trunks according to plan C.
  4. Draw three tree trunks according to plan D.
  5. Draw three running pigs according to plan E.
  6. Draw three running pigs according to plan F.